What Is JSS-Tripler?

Posted by Vera Angelina Sabtu, 07 Juli 2012 1 komentar

What Is JSS-Tripler?-Real Invest

Basically, JSS-Tripler is an online program in which you can earn by:
Buying a $10 position that pays 2% daily for 75 consecutive days.

For example:
If you buy 1 position worth $10, you will earn $0.20 for 75 days.
After 75 days you would have $15 total (your original $10 plus $5 profit).

Another example:
If you bought 50 positions worth $500, you would earn $10 for 75 days.
After 75 days you would have $750 total (your original $500 plus $250 profit).

However, the best way to utilize the JSS-Tripler program is by compounding your profits…
join now, join now

Each time 4 of your positions in the Tripler expire, meaning they reach 75 days of earning, they will be converted into 1 $60 JSS Matrix. This is a sister program in the JustBeenPaid family to JSS-Tripler. To claim these positions you must be upgraded in JBP for a fee of $20 every 3 months. Upgrading is not necessary if you just wish to earn with the Tripler, however if you don’t upgrade you would be losing out on potential profits.

Restart Feature (RSF)
At some point JSS-Tripler will no longer be able to pay the daily 2% profits. When that happens, the RSF will be activated and JSS-Tripler will be restarted as a new program. Some or all of your JSS-Tripler positions will be converted into JSS Matrix positions. You will not lose any money during this period since your positions will simply be transferred into the Matrix. In time, those Matrix positions will fill, and you will get paid. This is one of the ways that JSS-Tripler is indefinitely sustainable!

See the complete guide, quick and practical ways of applying JSS-TRIPLER with Video tutorial Y Easy Quickly below ...

 in the Video was complete the entire guide on how to play and invest in JSS-TRIPLER ...

 Enjoy it!!!

JSS-Tripler site very slow…

Hey everyone,
JSS-Tripler is still running great, and I’m on track to be making $100 per day indefinitely by September 1st! I most recently withdrew $350 a few days ago, so I’ve already surpassed making $300 per week by quite a bit already. JSS-Tripler has been growing by over 200 new members daily, and the total membership is at about 16,000 right now. In the latest JSS-Tripler email, it said that the top earner is making over $1000 per day… so click here to get signed up and I will provide individual support to make sure that you understand everything about this program!
The reason that the JSS-Tripler site has been very slow lately is that they are moving to more powerful servers. So in a few days, the site should be operating faster than ever!

How To Make $50 Per Day Indefinitely : JSS-Tripler

Right now, I am slightly past the point of making $50 per day indefinitely with JSS-Tripler, so I thought I’d try to outline the process with as much detail as possible.
So, the 2:1 factor in this setting means that you need to put in $100 for 75 days, and then you’ll consistently make $50 per day.
Day 1 – You put in $100 and you are making $2 for 75 more days starting today
Day 2 – You put in $100 and you are making $4 for 74 more days starting today
Day 3 – You put in $100 and you are making $6 for 73 more days starting today

Day 73 – You put in $100 and you are making $146 for 2 more days starting today.
Day 74 – You put in $100 and you are making $148 for 1 more day starting today.
Day 75 – You put in $100 and you make $150 that day.

Now, on day 76 your first 10 positions (for $100) would cycle, meaning you would get paid $2 less, but you “made up” for that already on day 75 by buying $100 worth of positions. So consequently, every day your earnings would drop by $2, but as long as you buy your 10 positions that day for $100 your earnings would stay constant. Your total earnings every day would equal $150, and you would put $100 towards buying new positions every day. That’s how you can indefinitely earn $50 a day or $350 per week.
Of course, if you can’t afford to put in the initial $100 per day, you can put in whatever you can and compound till you have 750 positions.
You can apply this 2:1 principle to any number, effectively dialing in whatever income you want!
If there is ANY part of this post about JSS-Tripler that you did not understand, please send mail to andryspaniars@gmail.com


Pre-requisites for Entrepreneurship: Blogging & Students

Posted by Vera Angelina Selasa, 03 Juli 2012 0 komentar
blogging and studentsBusiness is all about planning and making that plan work. The better you plan; the faster you grow. We have seen how to make a plan for your blog and track its productivity in the post describing our aim. We have also discussed some details about blogging stages and your targets. Today, we will find out what is the step before you become an entrepreneur? We are not sharing any future dreams now; we will find out what do you need to do right now? Your present will make your future, thinking and planning too much about future makes you forget your present; and we do not want you to waste any of these precious moments. So all the future entrepreneurs! Are you ready to make up your today’s plan?

Learn and Research:

research and blogStart learning from today! Keep researching on and read the latest articles in your field of interest. Just dreaming to become an entrepreneur would not work. It requires a little hard work (yeah a bit more than little :p). Those who dream big, start working at an early age. If you are a student, take some time out for your passion. Spend at least one hour daily to learn more. This learning can be acquired by conversation with a person who is already in there. Seek knowledge from experienced people; do share your opinion and ask for their advices.
Being a blogger, you can start with rewriting the articles you find interesting. Read the comments on articles and find out what people are thinking? Are you tuned with the markets’ demand and criteria? Read the same topic from multiple sources, and make comparisons.  DO NOT BECOME A FAN!!! You may admire someone but do not replicate any one; maintain your own identity. We would also strongly recommend going through the e-books because they cover much wider area without letting you surf here and there, for one topic and the other. Also, I personally feel books as more authentic and sometimes I read an entire book to compose a single article!

Gain Experience:

It is always a good idea to go to the actual workplace and see what’s going on inside the market or industry. What tricks are being played and how are they handled by the skilled professionals? You should not think about the money at this early stage, this experience worth much more. So if you are getting a chance to engage yourself with any big organization or a successful, reputed name; do not miss the opportunity. Do not forget to do networking there. Build healthy relationships and repute with people so that you will enter the market with confidence. Enjoy this confidence and you’re hardly earned contacts.
Being a blogger, you can gain experience by associating yourself with a well established blog. Communicate with the authors to clarify your reservations and try to write some guest posts there. Well, we are asking you to write your guest posts for “Well Established” blogs because they have strict criteria and high quality content. You will receive a true analysis of your post if it gets qualified or not. You will work hard to meet their standard. Just imagine yourself, taking first step with a great quality…what will be your quality after six months?  

Be Meticulous:

The purpose of learning and working with the professionals is to observe their ways. Analyze their practices, examine yourself; what is missing and how can you improve yourself. Keep a track of who’s leading the field; what is his/her style of handling matters? Go through his/her biography. Gain inspiration from his/her work. But, I repeat, analyze his/her ways. Make sure that these ways are in accordance with your moral values and are not confiscating anyone’s right.
Now the question arises, what do you need to observe being a blogger? Observe every action! The way tutorials are explained, the way readers are convinced and the way comments are catered. Observe keenly how the blog is optimized for search engines? How a post is tagged with different labels? What are the descriptions given and what keyword density is used? You may also need to observe the post frequency and the publishing timings. How many guest posts are allowed and what schedule is followed every week i.e. how many posts of a particular category are published and in what order?

Finance Management:

Finance managementHey wait; you are not an entrepreneur yet? But it will be a good idea to keep managing your finance on your own, isn’t it? If you are getting a job which can give you basic salary, go for it. Try establishing yourself with jobs other than your entrepreneurship idea. Accumulate some money so that you can start your own business. It will be highly helpful if you can handle yourself with some business management courses, because they will give you an insight and will broaden your vision about marketing strategies and managing your finance.
Once again, how do you manage your finance when you are a newbie and do not have an earning blog? Well, we would recommend starting yourself with a freelancing career along with your blogging thirst. Am I unclear? Okay, let me explain again; if you are a blogger, you will definitely be a writer or you would be having some web or graphic designing skills. Since you are in a learning process and could not run a set up of your own yet. So take advantage of the existing set ups and work as a freelancer for sometime but do not opt it as a career. Becoming a blogger is a harder goal; do not deviate from your target. Your freelancing will be a temporary job to equip you with experience, knowledge and little amount of money to satisfy your basic needs.

Apply Your Knowledge:

This was all your homework…pre-requisite to become an entrepreneur. Some training to let you enter the i-marketing world with confidence and exposing you to minimum harm. You are now fully aware of the common practices; you are acquainted with the tips and tricks used as well as the marketing strategies followed. You know seo optimization and you have improved skills. Now, you can apply all your knowledge and skills to start up your business. Start with a smaller scale and increase it gradually. Note down, we are saying “Start” with a smaller scale but you need to target “High”. Take smaller, stable steps; do not jump high directly (unless you can really bear the loss).

Wrapping Up:

This post is written especially for students who wish to maintain their blogging passion along with their studies. It needs consistency and one to two hours per day is enough to make a start. Add up to this time when your mates are enjoying vacations; and you would enjoy the reward when your mates are worried about getting into the industry. Whatever we have said above, is all a kind of safe entrepreneurship. Although, entrepreneurship is all about taking risks but, we believe, you can have some safe risks.

Should You Make Blogging Your Career?

Posted by Vera Angelina Senin, 02 Juli 2012 0 komentar

Earn Money BLogging
Recently, someone asked me a question; How much do bloggers actually make? This is a question that generally gets asked around a lot. And no matter how successful a blogger is, he has wondered about the same thing at some point or another. The fact of the matter is, there's no simple answer to this question, as there is no generalization in this industry. Some bloggers earn more than a normal job would get them, while others just look on! So is blogging worth it? In this post, we will (hopefully) discuss whether it is or not. But to me, it depends. There are really so many factors that it is hard to anticipate anything. But here is a list of last year's Top 10 Earning Blogs which will hopefully give you a general idea of how much a pro blogger can earn.

Blogging for money?

For most blogs, especially the ones that have started up recently, money is the primary motive behind them. You will find numerous resources on the internet telling you how profitable blogging is. Indeed, blogging seems very promising.
First of all, blogging is self-employment. You don't need to apply anywhere, no need to appear for interviews, and you don't answer to anyone. You are your own boss. Those with a 9 to 5 will understand this better than anyone else.
Secondly, there's no 'eligibility criteria' for starting a blog. You don't need to have a degree, or a profession. Just an area of interest, and you're good to go.
Every business needs initial investment. Blogging is a business as well, but it seems that the investment part is minimal. So why not start a blog of your own? It seems great, right?

Some factors that determine earnings

Before you jump on to any decision though, there are some things you should consider though. These are the factors that will ultimately decide how much you will earn from your blog.
Your niche - Your niche will determine the future prospects of your blog. It will also decide how far out your blog can reach, hence effectively having a good say in how much you earn. The broader the niche, the farther you can grab. But too broad, and you're stranded at a vast sea, unable to go anywhere. Ad income is dependent upon the 'quality' of your niche. For example, if your website is about cars, then ads from large automobile manufacturers, such as Mercedes can be very profitable - $3 per click or similar. Something about pet animals, however, won't get you as much.
How good your content is - Yes, content is important. People think SEO is more important, but I beg to differ. SEO will only take you so far. If your content isn't capable enough, then what good can the SEO do? Remember, SEO is applied on content, and not the other way round! The better the content is, the more chances you have of getting approved by advertising companies.
How effectively do you socialize - This is an extremely important factor. For a lot of bloggers, their fortune changed for the better when they socialized and met with popular bloggers. If you are fortunate enough to be recognized and linked by them, then you're good to go!
How much effort do you need to put in - Blogging requires a lot of effort. For some people, it might just not be worth the effort. If you posses determination and will power, and the energy to invest a lot of effort daily, then you can seriously consider blogging as a career path.
How much time should invest?Blogging takes up time, there's no denying that. Even if you are a pro, you will still need at least a couple of hours each day for blogging. As a general rule of thumb, the more time you put in, the higher your income will be. Blogging isn't just about writing stuff. It's about socializing, networking, SEO, and more. The more time you put in, the better your blog will be and the more you will earn.

So how long does it take to earn?

If you are looking to earn some money fast, then look somewhere else! Starting a blog does not pay instantly. There's a lot of time and work required, as mentioned earlier. And it'll be some time before you get a decent income, based on how much time and effort you put in daily. It can take months and years before you have in your hand a decent pay cheque. So wait at least a few months before thinking about monetizing your blog.
When MBT started, the main focus was not on earning money, but on educating people. Hence, it took two solid years of work and dedication for a decent first cheque. It also depends upon your know-how about blogging. That can only come with time. Compare the 2 years time for MBT with the three month time for our companion blog SEM. SEM has had the best possible start, with all the content and know-how at hand. But still, it took no less than three months before it started earning. Hence, blogging is a game of patience. Learn to play at it.

'Hidden' Costs of running a blog

At the beginning, I said that a blog is a business. Well, as a business, there's got to be some investments involved right? At first, it seems that there are minimal investment required. But as it turns out, there's a lot more to it than that. There are 'hidden' costs that appear while you are in the process of building your blog. Some of these include;
  • Web hosting
  • Web storage / access fees
  • Advertising
  • Themes and Templates
  • Software (e.g. shopping carts etc)
  • Email software (for newsletters)
  • Salaries (for staff)
  • Outsourcing
  • Forums
  • Hardware or equipment (if any)
  • And more
Hence, the point is, you need to make a careful analysis of all the costs you are likely going to incur, and then deduct that amount from the total income you have, to get the projected profit. If there is a no profit, then it's really no use at all, and you are going at a loss. Even if you are getting a profit, but if it's too little considering all the time you put in, then it might not be worth it.
On a final note, blogging requires continuous effort. If you are planning on quitting your regular job for blogging, then be prepared to work on a regular basis. An ordinary business relies on the products you sell. So even if you stop working on it for sometime, it won't make much of a difference. A blog is different though. As soon as you stop working on it, it starts to fade away. Hence, it relies upon you, rather than the services you offer.
In the end, I would like you to share your experience with us by simply answering a few questions in the comments section, so that our readers might get a better idea of how much do bloggers actually make. Simply, copy and paste the following questions in the comment box, and type out your replies next to them!
  • Blog Niche? : 
  • Page-views per month? :
  • How long it took to get a decent income? : 
  • Monthly Income? :
  • How much time do you spend per day on your blog? : 
  • Main income streams? :
Remember, if you like, you can keep your confidentiality, and don't mention your name or website URL! Just an 'Anonymous' would do. All I ask is, please be honest about it. Thanks for your co-operation :)

Earn More Money By Using The Brand New Google Affiliate Ads For Blogger

Posted by Vera Angelina 0 komentar

Google Affiliate Nwtwork
Blogger is one of the most popular publishing platforms available for anyone who wants to voice their thoughts and opinions on the internet. You can also use blogs to earn money online. If you are a Blogger users, then here is a brand new opportunity for you to earn some extra cash right from your Blogger blog! Google has very recently announced another monetization option for Blogger blogs, i.e. the brand new Affiliate Ads!

The Google Affiliate Ads is a new Affiliate Marketing concept by Google, and a positive initiative towards benefiting publishers who are passionate about certain brands or products. Google says, "We believe your recommendation (about products and services) is valuable, and want you to benefit from it". Therefore, here is your chance to try out your hands at this latest Affiliate Marketing tool!

What is Affiliate Marketing?

In the most simplest terms, Affiliate Marketing refers to the promotion of services or products through customers. It works like this: I buy a certain product, and then recommend it to you. Then you buy that product too through my 'referral'. In that case, the product's company will pay me, an 'affiliate', a certain amount of your purchase, as a 'commission'. If you refer other people, then you will get the commission, and so on.

Affiliate Marketing

Most popular affiliate ad marketing companies include BuySellAds, ClickBank, Amazon etc. In fact, most of the companies nowadays are offering affiliate programs to anyone willing to join. It's high time that Google do the same. This was a much awaited feature among bloggers.

About Google Affiliate Ads

This great new feature has been introduced in the form of a widget, which you can easily add to your blog posts to earn money. Whenever you write a new post about a product or service from a featured advertiser, this Google Affiliate Ad widget will help you display an affiliate ad on your post. You can choose a relevant ad from the widget. This ad can be a text-link ad, an image or a fully fledged banner.

Google Affiliate Ads

This feature is different from the pay-per-click model for AdSense Ads. Since Affiliate Marketing is all about the performance of the affiliates, this scheme pays on a par-per-action basis. Thus, you get a greater commission for a larger number of referrals that you make.

Getting Started

Before getting started, you need to make sure that you have an AdSense account. If you don't have one, Google AdSense. You do not need to set up AdSense Ads for this program. Just sign in using your AdSense account.
Once signed up, go over to your blogger homepage, and click on the Earnings tab. There, you will find an option Get Started. You will be guided through the rest of the process. It's that simple really! Browse through available ad categories to pick an ad for your blog.


Since Google Affiliate Ads is a brand new program, it is still in its initial stages. Currently, the number of ad categories is limited. So if you don't see the select ad option, the maybe it's because your blog content does not match the ad categories. Google is working on expanding their reaches, so be patient please!
Secondly, this service is currently limited to the U.S. People outside of U.S. can't use this feature as yet. But then again, it's fresh feature, and will take time to mature. We are expecting Google to extend this limit to more countries in the near future.
If this feature is not available to you, don't worry. It will be made available very soon. We will notify you of any updates that Google makes.
Overall, we think that this is a great new initiative by Google that not only allows people to earn more money through Blogger, but also allows them to connect with their audience by selling products, as affiliate marketing is all about connecting with people and performance-based marketing. Do let us know about what you think about this exciting new feature. And for those who have this advertising option available, good luck with it :). For others, stay tuned :D

Top 9 Ways Of Earning Money Online In 2012!

Posted by Vera Angelina 0 komentar
Make Money Online Tips

In a world such as today’s, where inflation is on the rise while salaries remain the same, every extra penny can be a blessing. Self-dependence is considered as the ideal situation to be in, especially among the younger generation. Because of the ever rising cost of living commodities and luxuries, more and more people are finding themselves working over-time for some extra salary, looking for better jobs, working part-time to cover their expenses, and so on. Hence, people want to look for alternate or parallel sources of income. And as they say, "where there’s a will, there’s a way". Indeed, there is not one, but many ways you can earn a few extra bucks. Many of these involve working online, meaning you can increase your income while working in the comfort of your living room!
Most of my blogger friends would know how they can earn money online through their blogs via monetizing them. But not everyone has a blog, even though creating a blog is as easy as creating a Facebook profile. Maintaining a blog, however, is not as easy. Hence, for such people, there are various other ways through which they could earn an income.


I hope you most of you know what freelancing is. It is basically working for someone else online and getting paid for it. By far, this has proven to be the most popular and most paying alternative to a regular office job. And in many ways, freelancing is better than regular jobs. Firstly, you get to do the work that you choose, so that you have some interest in it. Secondly, there's a wide range of stuff you can do. You can write articles, translate papers, do programming assignments for somebody, or take up large corporate projects as a team. The upside to this is that, you earn good bucks. The downside is, yo have to abide by deadlines.


Freelancing is great. It's your own way of saying out to the world; hey! I am independent! I don't need a job! I have a life too! Although technically, you do have a job. But at this job, you can take a nap at anytime and do whatever you want, so long as you do your work.

If you want to look into this, you can try 5 Ways To Win A Job As A Freelancer For Beginner. Or take a look at the Top 10 Freelancing Tips.

Online Surveys

Online surveysThere are many websites out there that are looking for people who would help them in their research and fill out surveys for them. Their aim is to get feedback and do market research on a product. There are website that are dedicated to finding out surveys available for you. One good example is SurveyScout.

Write Articles

Freelance writing is another great way of earning online. If you like writing, or if you are good at it, then you should consider this. Writing quality articles can earn you thousands of dollars per month. All you need to have is the right focus and of course, a good publishing platform where you can submit your articles.

As far as publishing is concerned, you can either self-publish, or submit your article to an article directory. You can either create a blog for self-publishing, or use Squidoo or Hubpages. Click to learn more about earning money through Squidoo.

If you don't want to self-publish, you can submit your articles to the top sites that will pay you for them. This is one of the best ways of earning online. Be sure never to plagiarize, however. Unique content is appreciated, while plagiarism might result in a ban on you. So be original, and you will be fine.

Data Entry

Data Entry is another popular money earning technique used by many people. But I must admit, it is a boring and time-intensive work. There are a lot of companies that want you to do their laborious tasks for them, without hiring a professional for the job. Usually, these tasks are simple. Entering one form of data into a form, organizing data, removing mistakes and errors, and so on.

Surfing and searching

Did you know that you can get paid to search on the internet? No kidding! Since the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing etc are monopolizing the industry, other smaller engines are left out. So to keep themselves going, they invite net searchers to use their engines, and offer rewards in return. One such company is Swagbucks, that gives you the chance to earn up to $5 per search! It's a neat little trick and I know some people who have started doing this to earn money. Another is InteradMedia, that pays $0.001 per minute of active search. The money isn't very substantial, but what's the harm in getting a few extra bucks every now and then?

There's another alternative way! Some website pay you to surf them! SurfBounty is a good one. All you need to do is stay on that site for a few seconds to register a "surf". Sit back as the dollars add up! Sounds great huh?

Earn Through Skype

About a month ago, I wrote a post in length about earning money through Skype. You can follow it here. But the bottom-line is, with Skype, you can provide services such as tuitions to other people, and charge them for the call through Skype Prime.

Q&A Websites

Some Q&A websites will pay you to answer questions! Q&A websites are all about question that people ask. People ask all sorts of questions on such websites. So the websites hire people to answer those questions. So if you have a good general knowledge, why not give it a shot?

Play games to earn money!

Every app developer needs beta testers, who have nothing to do with the development of the apps. This helps them remove bugs and errors. With games, this is even harder.It requires a lot of man hours to test a game. So there are many companies that pay people to play their games, and provide feedback. That way, they can know if the project would be a fail or a success.


Ebay is an advertising website where people put up classifieds for for things they want to sell, and then buyers contact the seller to purchase that item. If you are good at bargaining, you can take a shot at this. Buy products at a reasonable price, and then sell them again for a profit! This is how real estate works, except in that case, they are dealing with lands and houses and large property.

This was an essence of some of the things that I have learned. But by no means are they all the ways there are. You can find more ways at our sister blog Smart Earning Methods. Thanks for reading :)

10 Alternatives to Fiverr : Make Up to $25 per Gig!

Posted by Vera Angelina 0 komentar
top 10 fiverr alternatives to help you make more moneyFiverr originally started out as a new and very unique concept. There were only the big freelancing websites like Elance and Freelancer etc back then. So Fiverr brought a very refreshing change. Whether you are a proper freelancer or just a regular office-going guy, Fiverr gives you a chance to earn some quick bucks so you can cover up your extravagances. Fiverr is also a great place to get your freelancing career started. But the trouble is, Fiverr only allows you to earn $5 minus their commission per gig. For some people, this might not be enough. Luckily for them, many alternative websites to fiverr have emerged over the years. Fiverr was such a success that many others adopted the idea and came up with their own version of Fiverr. Most of these aren't very good, but some might just be better than Fiverr! So here, we will discuss about the top 10 alternatives to fiverr you must try.

Why not Fiverr?

There're a few legit reasons why you would not want to stay with Fiverr. It might seem very attractive, but it does has short-comings. Firstly, it doesn't pay you very well. Now I know people make hundreds of dollars off it every month, but considering the effort, is it really worth it? %5 is sort of a bottleneck which you might want to eventually break out of.
Secondly, you don't even earn a full $5. Fiverr commission is 20%, which is huge by any standards! So essentially, you only get $4, and the remaining one dollar goes to Fiverr. Imagine you complete 200 gigs in a month. You will only get $800, where you could be getting a full grand. That's just $200 down the drain!
Fiverr is no longer what it once was. It started off as a fun place where people could make use of their creativity. But over the years, it has become quite competitive. Much more complicated jobs are being done now for a much smaller price. Let me give you an example. I spotted two different gigs on fiverr. One promised to "Suggest a professional name and motto for a website," while another said, "I will create an attractive dynamic website using HTML, CSS, PHP, and JavaScript for $5."
Do you see the injustice? The guy who suggests professional names probably is a natural at this. He might hardly take 10 minutes to come up with a good name and slogan. But the web-designer has to work for hours, just for a petty $4. Both these guys will earn the same. The point is, Fiverr might just not be worth it if it takes more than 30 minutes t complete a gig. In that case, you need to look on to alternatives, some of which we have right here for you.
Top 10 Alternatives to Fiverr

1. GigBucks

GigBucks is is a very popular alternative to Fiverr. It hosts gigs for all the categories found on fiverr. It gives freelancers the opportunity to charge an appropriate amount of money for their services. A gig can be anywhere in the range of $5 to $50, definitely a big step up from the $4 on fiverr. Just like Fiverr, joining is absolutely free. And you can post as many gigs as you like. A must try for existing fiverr users or other people.

2. Zeerk

Zeerk is another big fish up for grabs. Working at Zeerk can be much more worth your while. You can charge as much as $100 per gig! Now, services can charged appropriately and no one needs feel left out! For small jobs such as $2 or $5 jobs, there is no commission! And I thought Fiverr was cool!

3. SEOClerks

This is one of  my favorite websites. It contains gigs relating to SEO, internet marketing, and other such web services. The great thing about it is, it offers the widest range of money you can ask for your gigs. You could either ask for $1 for a petty job, or you could ask as much as $999 for a high value project. Web masters would love this website. Just visit it and see what i'm talking about.

4. TenBux

TenBux is very similar to Fiverr. A lot similar, in fact. It has a similar interface, which is simple and easy to use.  It has almost all of the categories Fiverr has. Only big difference is, it allows $10 per gig, twice of what fiverr would allow. Out of the $10, you get $8, which is the exact commission rate as it is with fiverr.

5. FittyTown

FittyTown is another website that offers a large amount of money for almost the same things hosted on fiverr for far less. It allows gigs of only $50, nothing more, nothing less. After deduction, you will get $40, a 20% commission deduction. But overall, it's a good website that you must try. Who knows you might get lucky :)

6. Dollar3

This website is a lot better than fiverr or some of its alternatives. For one, it pays out through both PayPal and AlertPay. Here, you can host any type of gig for $5, and some other multiples of 3; $3, $6, $9, $12, $15, $27, $45, and $90. Not bad eh? Sign up now and show the world what you've got!

7. TwentyVille

Here's another good alternative. If offers much more than fiverr does. You can host gigs for either $10 or $20. The commission remains the same @ 20%. So you will get $8 or $16. Still, you're better off with this than you are with fiverr.

8. Tenrr

This is another copy, if not a clone of fiverr. The name, you can see. But the interface is a little similar too. The good thing is, it has a lower commission rate than fiverr. And it allows you to post gigs ranging from $1 to $10. So that's pretty useful as far as categorization of work is concerned. But the problem here is, giggers have to post gigs with lower and lower rates to attract clients. And I must say, $1 is too low for any kind or work, unless it involves suggesting a name or slogan or something.


9. GigMe5

Website similar to Fiverr. The interface works very similar. And the services are the same too. $5 gigs, 20% commission etc.


10. Fourerr

Another website very similar to fiverr. Only, it hosts $4 gigs. The rest is the same. 20% commission, payment through PayPal, similar interface, etc. Not better than fiverr, but definitely worth a shot.
That was a list of our top 10 alternatives to Fiverr. If you have more, then do share them with us. Hope this post helped. Go on and try these websites out! Good luck :)

10 Best Websites You Must Join To Work From Home & Make Money

Posted by Vera Angelina 0 komentar
10 best freelancing websites
So, do you ever want to do your office work from the luxury of your home? Or do you not like your boss? Or maybe, you're a boss, but you don't like your job because your subordinates don't like you? What if you could earn by working right from home? Appealing, isn't it? It can be done, however, and millions of people worldwide are doing it. So what does it take? Apparently, nothing much except for the right skill-set, a decent platform, online access, and the will to ignore someone who says "Where is your office located?"
Note: To Find Jobs in Middle East and find alternatives to fiverr please visit our second blog.
What you are looking for, my friend, is called freelance work. You work for people online who want a certain job done. The skill-set will be yours to input, but we can provide you with a list of the top platforms where you can find jobs. These are freelancing websites that happen to be some of the best. Now, every freelancing website will tell you it's the "number one" freelancing website, but don't you fall for that. Leave the job of picking the best such sites up to us. So here's a list of the top 10 websites where you can find jobs you can work upon from home.

1. Elance

Elance is the best freelancing website without a doubt. It is a U.K based website that started in 1998. Not only is it the oldest and most popular, but is also the most highly paying website. Contractors are looking for their work to be done professionally, and they'll pay good money for it. No matter what sort of freelance work you're looking for, you'll most probably find it here. There are more than 1.5 million contractors registered with Elance! And they post more than 60k jobs per month!
So many job options, and Elance's reliability and surety of payment via various methods verily make it the best freelancing website in the world! Elance does not charge you anything for signing up. But there is a paid package that unlocks many privileges for you. But my advice is, get a free membership, and work your way into the premium one.

2. oDesk

oDesk is number two only because it isn't just as well known as Elance. But I don't think that's fair to the site. Quality-wise, it is one of the best websites. You can look for any sort of work at oDesk. I personally have some writing job experience at oDesk, and it was amazing. I was a beginner, and I didn't know my way around. oDesk made it so easy for me. And I got picked for the job so easily that I was amazed.
oDesk has all the features that Elance has. But there's got to be a reason why it isn't number one itself, right? Well, there is one. oDesk is slightly lower paid than Elance. Average rates for the same kind of jobs are lower on oDesk than on Elance, but still higher than many other websites. It's a slight difference though. Apart from that, oDesk is great. Indeed a must try for beginners.

3. Freelancer

Like Elance, Freelancer is also one of the oldest freelancing platforms. It is very popular, and has more than 3.6 million users! And it has a total job count of more than 1.6 million! It is a good paying website, with most of the Elance and oDesk features. It has some of the best payment options, which is useful for people who don't have PayPal access in their country.

4. ScriptLance

Now here's an underdog that's made its way into the top 5. And rightly so! Compared to Elance, it's a very small platform. But it is dedicated to the Programming and IT field. So if you are looking for coding or other computer-related jobs, then this might be the thing for you! The fact that this is a small website makes it easier for you to get a job!ScriptLance charge only a 5% on all your earnings, which is the lowest by far! Plus, there's no sign up or registration fee. Better yet, it has an affiliate program that gives you bonuses whenever one of your friends join the site through you.

5. Fiverr

Fiverr is a different sort of Freelancing website. For one, it's the workers who post jobs they are willing to do, and not the hirers posting what they want done. For another, jobs can only cost $5, one dollar from which goes to Fiverr.. Be that as it may, Fiverr is a very unique website, probably one of its kind. It is a micro-freelancing site, which has mini-jobs called gigs. Workers post gigs they are willing to do. Contractors then order that gig. It is best for getting your freelancing career started. Not only will you find professional jobs here, you will also find some of the most ridiculous jobs and skids you ever saw in your life! It's a must try website, especially for beginners. So get ready to be amazed by Fiverr!

6. Guru

I think the name speaks for itself here. Guru really is a freelancing platform guru. It is also one of the most popular freelancing websites like Elance or oDesk. And it has many similar features. The only downside though, is that if you have a free account with them, then you get a very limited number of bids you can use per month. Kind of a mood killer for such a big website. But overall, it is a very good website. You can always try out other sites while working on this one. So sign up now and utilize your bids!

7. vWorker

vWorker is another very reputable freelancing website. It is best known for its highly scrutinized screening process, which ensures that you only get jobs relevant to your own skills. This saves a lot of time and effort, and if you want to hire, it will provide you with highly relevant people who can do the job well. A must try for all freelancers.

8. 99 Designs

This is a design-oriented freelancing website. Contractors post design contests of various types, such as logo designing, page designing etc. Freelancers need to submit their designs. The best design wins the contest, and bags a lot of money. This is sort of time consuming, and a bit risky especially for new freelancers. But if you are a good artist, and if you have the potential, then you can walk off with lots of money in your pocket. Interested?
99 Designs

9. GetACoder

As the name suggests, this website is related to programming, web development, and other IT related jobs. This is one of the oldest such websites. It has thousands of active contractors. So if you are into programming and such stuff, then this might be the thing for you. It pays really well too.

10. crowdSPRING

This website is very similar to 99 Designs. It works in a similar way too. But it pays more! Only problem though, is it is somewhat hard to get selected because there is a lot of competition. Still, it made it to out top 10 list.
Well, there goes out list of the top 10 freelancing websites! If you've got questions regarding freelancing, then feel free to ask in the comments section below. It's good to see you guys again :). Have a good day :). Oh, and do share your freelancing experiences with us. If you quit your job for freelancing, did you find freelancing worth the risk? And if you know of any better freelancing website, then do tell us about it. Cheers :)

How DO You Price Your eBook?

Posted by Vera Angelina 0 komentar

If you price it too high when compared with your competition, you will find yourself steadily lowering the price, which will cause you all kinds of new problems in the future. For example, if you sell your ebook at first for $49.99, and later reduce it to $29.95, don't you think the people who bought it for $49.99 are going to be a little bit un-happy?

Choosing the right price for your ebook is one of the most critical parts of the marketing process. The first rule of pricing ebooks is to never under price. Determine the highest price your audience can afford, and then if you find your book isn't selling, you can always reduce the price. Before you take that step, make sure you are promoting your book like crazy on the Internet and on websites. The price should be aimed at bringing in profits, but you should never forget that price is one of the factors that people use in judging the value of your ebook, before they buy it. So always start with the highest price, and then launch a mega-marketing campaign.

Pricing an ebook is particularly difficult because ebooks are a fairly new commodity. Since they are digital, the value of an ebook is as confusing as the understanding of what digital actually is to the average layperson. This means that we must look at ebooks in a different light in order to determine their actual worth in this brave, new cyber world.

Let's look at the difference between a book in print and an ebook. A printed book is an object you can hold in your hand, store on your bookshelf, even hand down to the next generation. It is priced on factors such as paper stock, design and production costs, and marketing.

But the fact that unites ebooks and print books is that they are composed of ideas. It is the ideas in these books that have the ability to change, or possibly transform, people's lives.

What do you think an idea is worth when evaluated against the cost of paper and ink?

It is the IDEAS that are valuable! That is how you determine the cost of your ebook.

What should I charge for my ideas?

There are all different formulas and methods for determining the correct price for your ebook. Let's begin with honing in on your ultimate goals.

Decide if your goal is to get wide distribution and maximum exposure. This goal is aimed at drawing customers to your business or service, or to establishing the credibility of your reputation. If this is your main goal, you should aim to keep your price on the low side. Some authors have even priced their ebooks at a profit loss to draw a high number of new customers. The key is to find a price that maximizes your profits and the number of books you sell.

This is an excellent pricing strategy if you are looking to acquire long-term customers. Long-term customers are extremely likely to buy from you again and again ? as long as the first ebook they buy is of exceptional quality and beneficial to the customer.

However, if your book contains valuable, and more importantly NEW information, references, or techniques, then you should aim to price it on the high end.

After you figure out your goal, you must figure out what your audience's need is for your ebook. For example, does your book solve a particular problem? If it does, and solves it in a way that hasn't been written about in one hundred other ebooks, you will be able to achieve high sales at a high price. If your book solves a problem or answers questions in a new and unique way, you should price your book as high as you can go. You will achieve larger profits this way, but bring in fewer customers. Just make sure the question or problem that your book solves is one that is important and relevant to the majority of your market audience. If your ideas are not common knowledge, or you are presenting a brand new technique, you will be able to sell books at a high price. Just be prepared for your competition to undercut you on price as soon as they hear about your book 

 Keep in mind that the above pricing strategy is temporary. Eventually, you will cease to sell books at this high price. So figure out in advance how long you plan to offer your ebook at this high price, and when that time is up, change your pricing strategy.

If you want to see large profits over customer draw, aim for an audience that is looking for easy solutions to their problems at a low price. If your book is aimed at solving one particular problem rather than general advice, then you can charge more. Start at the highest price the market will bear to bring in the largest profits, and plan to discount the book a number of times throughout the year.

Marketing Strategies

The key that unlocks the sales potential of your ebook is to find a single sentence that becomes your selling handle. This sentence states what question or problem your book answers and the benefits your ebook can provide. Then be sure to use that sentence in every piece of sales and promotional material, and every time anyone asks you about your ebook.

Besides promoting your books assiduously online, there are several other strategies that can help you sell more books.

One is to give something away for free with your book, such as a valuable bonus item. Or bundle several ebooks under one price, which lowers the price for each ebook if they were sold separately.

An effective technique for figuring out a price is to send out a survey to your current customers. If these customers have already bought an ebook from you, ask for their opinion in terms of price. Do this by creating a sales page for the new book, but don't include a price on that page. Instead, add a number of links to survey questions that ask pointed questions to aid you in assigning a price to your ebook.

Another strategy is to test out prices by creating a number of duplicate sales pages with different prices on each page. Make sure your sales copy is exactly the same on every page, and includes your selling-handle sentence. Then figure out for each page the conversion ratio between visitors to your site and sales of your book. This will tell you what your optimum price is.

Ultimately, if you've written a book that solves a problem or presents a new technique, your book will bring in both traffic and profits. So be sure to write that selling-handle sentence that sums up what problem your book solves and what the benefits of your book will be to the customers who purchase it. And then watch your market come to you!

Are These Internet Marketing Ebooks Hogwash?

Posted by Vera Angelina 0 komentar
Internet Marketing as we all know it is pretty crowded with funny people making lots of huge bombastic claims over their nonsense crappy books and stuff. You might have come across ebooks making claims like "how to make $XXX in 2 weeks" or "anyone can earn money at home".

Being guilty of myself, I have literally spent gazillion amount of money into these internet marketing ebooks when I started out but only to find it later at those free-for-all ebooks directories, free membership sites or even those giveaway sites. Though it's a sad experience to see youself spending money into something which could be downloaded somewhere over the Internet for free, there are still some good ebooks and materials which you should buy. Here are some of the guidelines which you should know of before you start your spending spree.

Don't Spend Money On Junk
Don't spend your money on something that tells you that with no experience you can make a lot of money. Typically this stuff is nothing more than trying to sell you pie in the sky. You can always learn and equipped yourself with knowledge from other free ebooks, newsletters or forums before spending your money on these ebooks.

Only Buy From The Experts Who Are Successful Themselves
The most advertised ebooks are not always the best. Good stuff will naturally come to you either by way of constant good reviews from other Internet Marketers, word of mouth, buzz from forums or discussion boards and even testimonials from the actual people who use them. Thus, you should always buy from the recognized experts who have had tons of experience under their belt and also reputable results to back up their claims.

Buy Only On What You Actually Need.
It's no point to spend your hard earned money on whatever ebooks or internet marketing materials which you come across, however good the claims are on the sales copy. Remember, good sales copy is supposed to play around the prospects' psychology behaviors into believing their actual claims. That's why professional copywriters charge tens of thousands for great sales copy because they do bring in lots of sales just by selling hype. You should only spend money on ebooks which could help you move on in your business. For example, if you feel that you are lack in copywriting skills, then you ought to buy copywriting materials from the professionals.
 Taking Action Is The Best Action You Can Make.
Let's face it, how many of us who could spend a bomb in our internet marketing materials but only to find it lying around in our computer hard disk for ages? The fact is, no matter how good or how expensive or even how reputable the ebooks that you've bought, it doesn't matter until you make the first step into implementing the materials which you learn from the ebooks. If you are new to Internet Marketing, then you should only buy ebooks that will teach you step by step in setting up your Internet Marketing business. Otherwise, stay away from them.

Hardcopy VS Intangible Books
There had been discussions going on which debate just how good are those Internet Marketing books found on the bookstores compared to those on the Internet. While I couldn't agree more on some of the great Internet Marketing books you can find on the bookshelves, but in reality, most of the books I found cover only general concepts of the Internet Marketing. For example, in the business or internet marketing section of the bookstore, you might find stuff like "how to make money online" if you are looking for a book on internet marketing, but you can find a more specific ebook on the internet on "How to Get Successful Reciprocal Linking" or something like that. Both of these are related to Internet Marketing, but the latter tends to be more specific in their scope. Like what I've mentioned in the previous point, you should know what you are lack of and buy ebooks that will help you move forward in your business. If you are just starting out, internet marketing books in the bookstore will serve just as good as the newbie ebooks online.

As a conclusion, make sure you know who you can trust online before buying from them. There are lots of these self-proclaim internet Marketing Gurus who are just like the average Joe struggling to make money online. Remember, there are bunch of those great forums and discussion boards which not only you could find great pieces of information, but also the chance to pose questions as well.

How to Pick the Perfect Domain Name

Posted by Vera Angelina 0 komentar
 What makes the perfect domain name?

Well, it has to be:                                                          
1. Relatively short
2. Simple to remember
3. Easy to spell

I was speaking to a customer recently who had a business called 'Otway Valley Trading Company'.

The domain name he wanted was:

Can you spot some of the problems with this domain name?

Here's a few:

1. It's too long:

Having to type a long domain name into your browser is annoying and also increases the chances of your customers making a spelling mistake.

2. Too many keywords:

Having 4 keywords (Otway Valley Trading Company) makes it hard for customers to remember the name of the site.

Try to stick to one or two keywords in your domain name.

3. Easy to misspell:

The word 'otway' can be easily confused for 'ottway'.

4. Makes the email address too long:

An email address for this domain name would look like this:


... that's a mouthful for anyone to remember.

Picking a Good Domain Name:

1) The shorter the better

Having a short and snappy domain name makes it easier for your customer to remember your website address, and easier to type into their Internet browser.

2) Go for something catchy

Keep in mind that your domain name doesn't have to be boring. In fact, if you can come up with something catchy - it's a great way to distinguish your business from the competition - just ask the people at Yahoo!

3) Avoid using hyphens

We've found that hyphens in domain names tend to confuse people.

Sometimes you'll see websites that have a hyphen separating keywords (e.g. ace-accounting.com). This is almost always because the preferred name (aceaccounting.com) has already been registered by someone else.

If the domain you want is already being used by someone else, then you're better off coming up with an alternative name then using hyphens.

4) Avoid using numbers

If possible, try avoiding the use of numbers in your domain name, as this can also lead to confusion (e.g. was that 3phones.com or threephones.com ?).

But if you have to use a number, make sure you register both the written and numerical versions of your domain name (3phones.com and threephones.com).

5) Grab a thesaurus

If you're struggling for inspiration or finding it difficult to come up with a name that hasn't already been taken - grab a thesaurus (or visit Thesaurus.com)

Say you run an adventure tour company and you want to register excitingadventures.com - but somebody has already registered the domain name.

Lookup the word 'exciting' at Thesaurus.com and you can quickly find an alternative like 'breathtaking, sensational or fascinating'.

And don't be afraid to use a little imagination - companies like Google and Yahoo! have benefited a lot by having a unique web address.

How to create passive income with JSS Tripler

Posted by Vera Angelina Sabtu, 30 Juni 2012 0 komentar

How to create passive income with JSS Tripler

Just Been Paid is truly a breath of fresh air in internet money-making. The program was launched in January 2010 and just recently the program has started to gain some serious speed in terms of growth. No matter how you make money online (if you actually are so fortunate) you should be using JBP to boost your results. It really puts your earnings on steroids, no matter how big or small your income is. Not saying there would be any reason not doing JBP “full-time.” The reason I’m saying full-time in quotes is that  the income is almost completely passive when you follow the right steps. There are several ways of making money inside the program, most popular being JSS Tripler for a good reason.
JSS Tripler is a money cycler where you invest in $10 advertising positions which pay you 2% daily until they reach 150% after 75 days and mature. Making $5 profit in 75 days may not sound so much but when you start getting more and more positions and compound your earning it starts to add up quickly. Every day you can log in and see the daily earnings there in your account. Then it’s just a matter of choise if you want to withdraw the money to your alertpay account or buy more tripler positions and the day’s work is done. You don’t even need to log in every day if that sounds like too much trouble. For every 4 matured tripler positions you receive one JSS position worth $20 that you can use in other programs. What you should keep in mind at this point is that there are ways to potentially make much faster income after the positions mature. I’ll get back to the other programs once I have more experience with them.

How to get started?

Don’t just take my word for it you should definitely first take a serious look at the program before investing. Anybody, and I mean anybody, can make money in JBP whether they believe in the program or not but I can understand that it could be a kind of business that isn’t for everyone. If you are the kind of person who needs to know every little detail on how the program works you’re likely to get frustrated because some aspects are kept company secrets which I can well understand. But if you’re happy with just you are making money and not doing that on anyone else’s expense you’re likely to enjoy what you find out.

 1. Click here or the banner above to get to JSS Tripler information page. Scroll down to the bottom to signup for free.
2. Login to your email account to confirm your email account. Please note: some people have had problem receiving the confirmation email when using Hotmail so if you won’t receive the email within few minutes just signup to Gmail and change your email address in JBP back office profile page.
3. Once you’re inside take a look around the website and read FAQs to get most of your questions answered.
4. Just wait and I will contact you with instructions on how to get started the best way and answer any questions you may have.
5. Meanwhile you might want to check out the free training called Upgrade your brain in the back office. The training comes with heaps of information on how you can improve your thinking and improve the way you use your brain on daily basis. I cannot stress this enough: this is huge value guys even if you decide not to invest in the program!
Like I said Just Been Paid has just started to grow rapidly and there’s more than 150 new members coming in every single day. Frederick Mann is the man behind the program and he’s a reputable name around the internet especially in personal development circles. He has made a fortune with different money cyclers (yes, this is not the first one around) in the past but they have all had flaws and stopped paying at some point. Just Been Paid is designed to be indefinitely sustainable and nobody is going to lose money when the growth of the program is slowing down, which is inevitable in the future. This is a real breakthrough and only time will tell how everything is going to turn out and there is still time to make huge profit before that day comes so the sooner you jump in the more you earn.
I hope you have an idea now how to create passive income with JSS Tripler. I hope I didn’t complicate things too much because the program is SO simple. You’ll learn the process on the way so all there is to decide if you’re ready to hit the fast track or not. This ride is just gaining some speed and growing like a snowball. The sooner you get in, the more you make.

How to Make Money Fast

Posted by Vera Angelina Minggu, 24 Juni 2012 0 komentar
Make Money Fast
Need a little extra cash in a hurry? Follow these steps and you're bound to have a fuller pocket by the end of the week. It may not be much, and it may not be reliable, but your options are limited if you're short on time. Later, you can read up on long-term ways to make money, reducing expenses, saving, and investing. Otherwise, hurry up and follow these steps so you can make money ASAP!


Sell Something

  1. Sell things you no longer need.
    Sell things you no longer need. Dig out that old guitar you never play, those CDs you don't listen to anymore, or your antique toycollection. Go to the pawnshop, put an ad on local internet classifieds, or hold a yard sale in front of your house or on a busy street corner (just display the item with a big sign announcing the ridiculously low price). Price items at half of what somebody would be able to buy them for anywhere else, and you may be able to sell them within an hour or two.

    • If you don’t want to part with your CDs or DVDs, burn yourself copies (or even just back them up in digital format on your computer) and then sell the originals.
    • Consider whether or not to sell items online at auction websites like eBay, or more generalist sites like Amazon. If you do, choose a fast end time for the auction or trade, or choose "buy it now" to encourage a swift turnaround. However, if you want cash in your hands quickly, you might want to arrange a sale with someone locally.
  2. Sell crafts. If you're a dab hand at making something quickly that people want, do so and sell it either online (sites like Etsy are great for handmade goodies) or at local craft fairs or other community-based sales.
    • If you don’t have time to make anything fancy, break glass bottles of various colors, put them through a rock tumbler, and sell bags of it as beach glass. Bits of frosted glass like this look great in clear vases to prop up dried flower stems, for example. You can also sell something you find growing outside. Pressed wildflowers, dried vines, branches, or Chinese lanterns, or even long/large pinecones can fetch a tidy sum if you sell a lot of them individually.
  3. Sell stock photos. Stock photos are relatively easy to take and, once you’ve posted them to your stock-photo account, can make money fairly passively.
  4. Sell scavenged valuables. If you have a metal detector, go to public places (especially parks, beaches, and other areas where people are likely to drop something unnoticed) and look for jewelry and other goods.
  5. Sell things walking about the roadside. Entrepreneurial sorts sell things like cold drinks on hot days or hot nuts in winter. But it can be dangerous work and it may be illegal, so check the laws and watch the traffic with great care. A safer option is a roadside stall, where people have to park the car and come and see your wares.
  6. "Donate" plasma. Plasma is a component of blood, and the process is similar to donating blood. You're not permitted to actually sell your plasma, but you can be compensated for your time spent donating (and essentially, it's like selling your plasma). Your blood is drawn, the plasma is separated, and the red blood cells are returned to your body. In the United States, you can make US$20-30 per visit and give plasma twice a week, but you must weigh at least 110 pounds, be between the ages of 18 and 59, and be in good health.[1] Many college students do this to make extra cash.[2] If you haven't been to the doctor in a while, this may be a good way to get a free health checkup.[3]
  7. Sell your hair. If your hair is healthy, untreated, and longer than 10in (25cm), you can sell it for hundreds of dollars – or possibly thousands if it’s a superb length and color.
  8. Flip products. Flipping is simply buying something and then selling it for more. Some people flip items by investing a lot of time and effort into repairs, but it’s also possible to flip simply by finding good deals.
    • Flip web domains. Research keywords, topics, or industries that are trending, buy relevant domain names, and sell them to interested parties. Watch for businesses that open up in your area, snag that domain name before they do, and offer to sell it to them (for a reasonable price – or you’ll risk sabotaging the deal and ending up with nothing). People who get good at this can actually make a nice income from it – or occasionally strike it rich by buying a name out from underneath a big player.
    • Flip thrift-store, yard-sale, and police-auction purchases. Even if you don’t know the first thing about jewelry or antiques, sometimes being the first one to show up is all it takes to find a steal.
    • Flip wholesale items. If you can get a deal on wholesale items (especially if you know or are willing to make friends with a wholesaler), selling them individually online – even for only a few dollars more apiece – can really add up.
  9. Open a lemonade stand.
    Open a lemonade stand. Especially if you're a kid, a lemonade stand or baked goods stand can bring in good money in one day. If the lemonade isn't selling, or you want to diversify, sell cookies and brownies as well. The important thing here is to find a good location, like the main entrance to an apartment building, outside a shopping center, on a busy corner near your house, or outside one of your parents’ workplaces (if you're a kid; otherwise you might get in trouble).

Make Money Online or On Your Phone

  1. Find small paid tasks via apps. There are several money-making apps including WeReward, CheckPoints, and GigWalk that will either pay you for doing marketing tasks (ex. scanning products at a grocery store) or connect you with someone who wants a more extensive project accomplished.
  2. Fill out online surveys. These usually only pay a few dollars apiece, but they are also short and require very little effort. Read How to Make Money with Free Online Surveys for more information.
  3. Enter sweepstakes.
    Enter sweepstakes. By choosing sweepstakes carefully, you can increase your likelihood of hitting the jackpot (or at least getting a few useful freebies that you can sell, as mentioned above). Search the internet––there are even internet databases, some free and some by subscription only, that can clue you in to hundreds or thousands of sweepstakes. Sweepstakes with smaller prizes can be great because you generally have a more realistic chance of winning. Don't, however, waste your time entering a sweepstakes for a prize you don't want and can't easily sell for a good profit. Enter as many times as possible. The more times you enter, the better your odds. It's as simple as that. Before you send in a million entries, however, make sure you know how many entries the rules allow you.


  1. One person's trash is another's gold mine.
    Recycle bottles and cans. Host a bring-your-own-beverage party and when the party’s over, gather all the bottles and cans and turn them in for cash; if you live in a state with a bottle or can deposit system, you may be able to get 5 or 10 US cents per container. You can also go looking for them in trash cans or along busy roads, especially rural ones.
  2. Scrap a junk pile. Everyone knows you can turn bottles and cans into cash by bringing them in to be recycled, but other metals such as scrap steel (worth anywhere between 1 or 2 cents per pound) or as copper or aluminum (worth considerably more) can also fetch good prices.[4] If you've got a big pile of scrap in your backyard, own a junked camper or other vehicle, or know of an illegal dumpsite, you can sort and sell it.
  3. Scrap a worthless computer. Computers are full of valuable metals (ex. tower cases are usually made of steel and/or aluminum, plus the CPUs, RAM, motherboards, and PCIs all contain gold). If possible, amass a good pile of these parts (offer to take outdated computers off the hands of a building or school doing considerable upgrades or find junked computers in the fee ads, for example) and sell them in bulk, which will make you more money. Don’t scrap good computers; what you get for the scrap probably won’t be as much as you get for components in working order.[5]
  4. Hunt for pre-1982 pennies. These contain considerable amounts of copper (whereas newer ones are alloyed with zinc to cut costs) and are worth more than a cent apiece. Buy rolls of pennies at the bank, sort them to find older coins, then return the ones you don’t want. Read How to Hoard Copper Pennies for more information.
  5. Hunt for pre-1964 silver half dollars. These are 90% silver and are worth more than fifty cents apiece. As with pennies, buy rolls of silver dollars at the bank and keep only the most valuable ones. Read How to Find Silver Half Dollars for more information.

Become a Moving Advertisement

  1. Wrap” your car in an advertisement.
    Wrap” your car in an advertisement.
    “Wrap” your car in an advertisement. There are companies with bumper sticker programs as well.
  2. Wear t-shirts, clothes, costumes that advertise a business. In addition to receiving a free t-shirt, you can get paid for every day that you wear the shirt to a public, conspicuous place.
  3. Get a temporary tattoo on your forehead, a pregnant belly, or other body parts. Auction off a body parts for advertising space to the highest bidder. [6][7]

Do Odd Jobs

  1. Find focus groups in your area. Monitor local postings or search a site like FindFocusGroups.com to find a focus group in your area that you are eligible to participate in. Check frequently; though the pay tends to be excellent, they are less frequent than many other opportunities.
  2. Board someone’s pet. Find a friend or a friend-of-a-friend who’s going out of town and offer to take care of their pet while they’re gone. Professional boarding places tend to be very expensive (not to mention impersonal and intimidating for a pet), so your cozy little house or apartment may seem like a very nice alternative. Around the holidays, pet-boarders fill up quickly, meaning you can probably charge more.
  3. Consider day labor.
    Consider day labor. There are employment agencies that specialize in this type of arrangement, and you can get paid at the end of the workday. The jobs you find through an agency can vary, but are usually in construction, factories, offices, and manufacturing. An alternative to finding day labor is to go where other day laborers meet (usually street corners or parking lots) and wait for employers (building contractors, landscapers, home owners and small business owners).
    • Check your local newspaper or internet classifieds to find quick labor gigs, like painting, mowing, or moving work. Amazon Mechanical Turk is reliable and has lots of postings, but the pay tends to be low.
    • Consider whether or not to go through an agency. If you go the non-agency route, you might get paid in cash – but keep in mind that less formal arrangements could result in your not getting paid or, worse, getting injured without any kind of compensation.
    • Don't be shy about doing odd jobs. Lawn-mowing, babysitting, hedge-trimming, dog-walking, house-sitting, and de-cluttering can all serve as quick ways of getting cash.
  4. Become a street performer.
    Become a street performer. If you can dance, play music, mime, sing, or tell jokes, you can probably get some cash by performing in public. But don't do this unless you are actually good at it. Put together a good act and find a place to perform. Give people a dose of live entertainment, and hopefully they'll reward you with tips.
    • If there is a group of you trying to find quick money, put together a quick skit for a bit of street theater .
    • Sometimes you can combine something for free with a request for a donation "as wished". For example, give out free hugs but suggest to people that a donation would be appreciated. Don't push it though!
    • Always check the bylaws before performing in a public space.
  5. Panhandle.
    Panhandle. A panhandler is a person who depends on the spontaneous charity of strangers for their survival. If you really need the cash, you might swallow your pride and decide to ask for help. Make a sign, find a good location, ask politely for money, and say thank you. A sign that is witty or details something interesting is more likely to have people stop and help than one filled with a litany of complaints about being down and out.
    • Cyberbegging is becoming increasingly popular, and there have been some amazing success stories, but these are the exception rather than the rule. While there are some sites on which you can beg just by putting up a brief ad, if you're looking to make any substantial money you'll probably have to build your own site and invest the time and money into it to make it successful. Moreover, cyberbegging really annoys some people and you may get bad social media feedback.
    • Be sure that panhandling or begging is permissible where you live


    • Any scheme that suggests you will make money fast should be very carefully scrutinized before you involve yourself. Don't spend money to get money on such schemes; if you haven't got much money right now, keep it to put food on the table or you may never see its worth again.
    • Raid every part of your house where you are likely to have stashed money––money boxes, coat pockets, jean pockets, spare bags, vacation bags, down the back of the couch, underneath furniture, in jars stashed at the back of the cupboard, etc. Think! It may be possible that there are lots of coins that can be discovered and they might even be enough to cover a grocery run or night out.
    • Rent out a room in your home. Do you have a spare room or granny flat that isn't needed? People are always looking for affordable accommodations and this could be a quick return of money. Consider either long-term or vacation rental options, depending on the season and your needs.
    • Consider taking up dog walking. People who own dogs but who are too busy to walk them will appreciate the chance to have the dogs walked. Be professional, make up a flyer and start door knocking or leaflet dropping. Use your cell phone for contact; that way you can get the calls no matter where you are trying to raise money!
    • Did you buy tickets to a big event some time away? Consider selling them. Avoid scalping them though; they must be sold legally, which either means at cost or check the terms and conditions to see if they allow sales at what the market is prepared to pay. Another option is to return items you haven't used yet but bought recently. You'll get over it!
    • If you're taking on a part-time position, get one that gives tips so that you get immediate cash from the first day. It can be a long wait until that first pay otherwise.
    • If you have a prime car park spot but you're not using, consider renting it to someone who needs it. You can earn good cash this way.
    • Have you got what it takes to tutor from home? If it's the season for desperation prior to exams, perhaps you can key in on this stress, help a few people pass their exams and make a sweet pot of money all at once. Advertise online, on bulletin boards and on street boards or posts. Go to campuses and find their bulletin boards and pin up your offer. Make it even more enticing by offering a free cup of coffee with every tutoring session!
    • If you have life insurance, you may be able to access some of it. Speak to a representative responsible for your policy.
    • Totally destitute? Seek emergency assistance from a reputable charity. Or, seek a payday loan but only on the understanding that these can be a vicious cycle, with high interest unless you pay it back promptly; don't do it if you cannot pay it back next week. Perhaps ask your employer for an advance; it will be cheaper.
    • Don't forget to check your credit card rewards. There may be vouchers to claim that can cover things you need to get.


  6. Make sure that whatever you're doing does not violate any local laws or regulations.
  7. If going the day laborer route, keep in mind that there is animus against these types of workers, namely illegal aliens (or illegal immigrants if you're in a jurisdiction outside of the US).
  8. If you are going to sell something, set a price that will ensure a sale. Don't set it too high or nobody will buy; equally, don't set it too low, or else you won't be able to make a decent amount of money (an exception to this is if you are seriously desperate).
  9. While gambling is an option, it's also likely to be a very big losing one. If you have so few funds that you're not sure where the next meal or bus fare is coming from, skip this option totally. And even if you do opt for it, keep aside all money needed for bills, rent and food and play for very low stakes.
  10. Article farm sites are not a good quick money option. They're poorly regarded (so they won't improve your writing reputation) and they're slow to pay (usually at the end of the month) and you often need to have a certain amount of reads per article to get any payment. Moreover, the rate of return is generally lousy.