How to Make Money Stuffing Envelopes

Posted by Vera Angelina Sabtu, 23 Juni 2012 0 komentar
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Work at home envelope stuffing schemes are shown throughout the internet. The idea that the schemes came from are legit, but are given a bad rap due to the extensive scammers in the field. Here is how to work at home stuffing envelopes without getting scammed.


    • 1
      Do not pay for a set up package or get caught up in schemes sending out mail to get others to buy a package to send out mail. This is not a real work at home job and is not going to make you money.
    • 2
      Be knowledgeable in the fact that generic mailing are more cost effective to be prepared through a machine and will probably not have human contact till they get to the post office. The only types of work from home stuffing envelopes jobs are working with mailings that have to be individually customized. And typically these envelopes are not sent by the thousands or rarely even the hundreds.
    • 3
      Find a company that would benefit from your envelope stuffing service. Non Profit organizations with boards usually have to send out very large personalized packages to their members on a monthly basis. Grant writers with a high customer base with little employees are also a good business to contact. Grant writer usually have allot of snail mail and virtual mail to get out that has to be perfect. For either types of companies they will usually only think about hiring when they are extremely busy and if you prove yourself to be cost effective they will usually keep you on. Accountants may also hire out for such service during the busy seasons.
    • 4
      Advertise what services your business will offer. The best way to do this is through face to face contact with prospective clients and referrals through happy resistance services.

Tips & Warnings

  • Stuffing envelopes should be a stepping stone to get telecommuting work through a company. Just envelope stuffing will make only a little extra money.
  • It is best to use the companies supplies and not your own. Your charge should be based on how much time it should take you to get the job done if you worked straight through.
  • The material that is usually handled is highly confidential and time sensitive.
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